Executive Committee

Kolade Olatunde,

Carmel Dansou,
Vice President

Oluwasegun Gabriel Sole-Adeoye, Secretary

Jean Morales, Treasurer

Sarah Shelby,
President Pro Tempore
Judicial Branch

Ahmed Saad,
Chief Justice

Darlington Imhanzuaria,
Ethics Chair

Marcos Perez, Parliamentarian
Legislative Officers

Legislative Clerk,
Stephanie Ponzaneli

Chy’ Na Nellon

Marcos Perez, Parliamentarian

Sarah Shelby, President Pro Tempore
The GPSC Assembly
The GPSC assembly is the voting body of GPSC, which is made up of various graduate and professional (e.g., law) students from numerous departments and colleges across the University of Arkansas. Below is a list of our legislative assembly leaders in chair and co-chair positions, in addition to our judiciary members, including the Chief Justice, Ethics Chair, and Parliamentarian.
Office | Name | |
Chair: Academic and Teaching | Adrien D’Aprile | razteach@uark.edu |
Co-Chair: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Chy’Na Nellon | gpscdei@uark.edu |
Co-Chair: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Ndotimi Apulu | gpscdei@uark.edu |
Chair: Facilities | Vacant | gpscfa@uark.edu |
Chair: Finance Committee | Jean Morales | gpsctres@uark.edu |
Chair: Graduate Student Life Chair: Events subcommittee | Fernanda Hernandez Sanchez Damilola Fadipe | gpscgl@uark.edu |
Chair: Health | – | gchealth@uark.edu |
Chair: Policies & Procedures | Marcos Perez | gpscpar@uark.edu |
Co-Chair: Research Council | Doyin Shittu | gpscrc@uark.edu |
Co-Chair: Research Council | Meerim Seiitova | gpscrc@uark.edu |
Office | Name | |
President Pro Tempore | Sarah Shelby | gpscpro@uark.edu |
Legislative Clerk | Stephanie Ponzaneli | shp002@uark.edu |
Historian | Chy’Na Nellon | cnellon@uark.edu |
Parliamentarian | Marcos Perez | gpscpar@uark.edu |
Office | Name | |
Chief Justice | Ahmed Saad | gpsccj@uark.edu |
Ethics Chair | Darlington Imhanzuaria | gpscethi@uark.edu |
Parliamentarian | Marcos Perez | gpscpar@uark.edu |
At-Large Representatives
Each college at the University of Arkansas can send up to three delegates to represent the college on the GPSC. These at-large representatives are elected annually in May by the student body. The At-large representatives also represent their college and are in charge of disseminating and collecting information to and from their colleges and GPSC specific to graduate and professional students’ needs, supports, and successes.
Name | |
Sarah Shelby | sshelby@uark.edu |
Ruslan Galib | rgalliib@uark.edu |
Habeed Yinka Atanda | hatanda@uark.edu |
Name | |
Kaslyn Tidmore | ktidmore@walton.uark.edu |
Samuel Cano | scano@uark.edu |
Vacant | – |
Name | |
Teguh Sridjajamerta | tsridja@uark.edu |
Muhammad Ali Muhammad | mam137@uark.edu |
Vacant | – |
Name | |
Juliet Igboanugo | julieti@uark.edu |
Smruthi Vaishnvai Chintakunta | svchinta@uark.edu |
Vacant | – |
Name | |
Damilola Elizabeth Fadipe | dfadipe@uark.edu |
Saubana Olorunsola Dada | sodada@uark.edu |
Darlington Ehijie Imhanzuaria | dei001@uark.edu |
Name | |
Ilse Ghent | ighent@uark.edu |
Michael Hammonds | mdh058@uark.edu |
Kennedy Hill | klh038@uark.edu |
Name | |
Victor Kwaku Akakpo | vkakakpo@uark.edu |
Monisola Beauty | ayankoya@uark.edu |
Vacant | – |
DSO Representatives
The Departmental Student Organization (DSO) representatives represent their specific departments. They are in charge of disseminating and collecting information to and from their departments, as well as GPSC, specific to graduate and professional students’ needs, supports, and successes. DSOs are elected in the early fall of each academic year. If they wish to continue their position, they must reapply each year. Also, in order for students to apply for GPSC funding, they must have an assigned DSO for their department.
Name | DSO | |
Andrew Dilly | dilley@uark.edu | Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business (AEAB) |
Vacant | – | Agricultural Education, Communication, and Technology (AECT) |
Paul Dahunsi | pdahunsi@uark.edu | Animal Science (ANSC) |
Clair Plassmeyer | clairep@uark.edu | Horticulture (HORT) |
Gabriela Andrade Leite Mengez | ga020@uark.edu | Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science (CSES) |
Joshua Chavana | chavana@uark.edu | Entomology and Plant Pathology (ENPL) |
Chetanjot Romana | cromana@uark.edu | Food Science (FDSC) |
Vacant | – | School of Human Environmental Science (HESP) |
Jossie Santamaria Archbold | jmsantam@uark.edu | Poultry Science (POSC) |
Name | DSO | |
Cristina Stan | amstan@uark.edu | Anthropology (ANTH) |
vacant | – | Art (ARTS) |
Julio Molina Pineda | jamolina@uark.edu | Biological Sciences (BISC) |
Fernanda Hernandez Sanchez | fh009@uark.edu | Chemistry (CHEM) |
Madison McBride | mrm094@uark.edu | Communication |
Chy’Na Nellon | cnellon@uark.edu | Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (CLCS) |
Mostafa Mohammad Quamrul Hassan | mh033@uark.edu | English (ENGL) |
Katlyn Rozovics | kmrozovi@uark.edu | History (HIST) |
vacant | – | Journalism (JOUR) |
Caroline Semmens | csemmens@uark.edu | Mathematical Sciences (MASC) |
Adrien D’Aprile | adaprile@uark.edu | Philosophy (PHIL) |
Doyin Shittu | dshittu@uark.edu | Physics (PHYS) |
Ian Beatty | ibeatty@uark.edu | Psychological Science (PSYC) |
vacant | – | Sociology and Criminology (CRIM) |
Joseph Okezi | jokezi@uark.edu | World Languages, Literatures & Cultures (WLLC) |
Name | DSO | |
Kimberly Kay | krkay@uark.edu | Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) |
Spencer Wyld | swyld@walton.uark.edu | Finance (FINN) |
Jacob Vaughan | jacobv@uark.edu | Information Systems (ISYS) |
Vacant | – | Management (MGMT) |
Name | DSO | |
Vacant | – | Counselor Education and Supervision (CNED) |
Daion Daniels | daiond@uark.edu | Education Reform (EDRE) |
Vacant | – | Curriculum and Instruction (CIED) |
Vacant | – | Higher Education (HIED) |
Kori Durfee | korif@uark.edu | Health, Human Performance & Recreation (HHPR) |
Henry Obajaja | hobajaja@uark.edu | Health, Human Performance & Recreation (HHPR) |
Kylie Lovett | klovett@uark.edu | Public Health (PBHL) |
Name | DSO | |
Will Richardson | wprichar@uark.edu | Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEG) |
Yiting Xiao | yx011@uark.edu | Biomedical Engineering (BENG) |
Gustavo Vaca Diez | gustavov@uark.edu | Biomedical Engineering (BENG) |
Nazanin Abbasi | nazanina@uark.edu | Chemical Engineering (CHEG) |
Samia Parveen | sparveen@uark.edu | Civil Engineering (CVEG) |
Vacant | – | Electrical Engineering (ELEG) |
Julia Hoskins | jkhoskin@uark.edu | Mechanical Engineering (MEEG) |
Name | |
Stephanie Ponzaneli | shp002@uark.edu |
Grant Eshelman | gteshelm@uark.edu |
Marcos Perez | marcosp@uark.edu |
Christian Tinoco | cjtinoco@uark.edu |
Yordi Herrera | yherrera@uark.edu |
Name | DSO | |
Ndotimi Apulu | napulu@uark.edu | Arts & Sciences (ARSC) |
vacant | – | Cell and Molecular Biology (CEMB) |
Eric Breidinger | esbreidi@uark.edu | Geoscience (GEOS) |
Janet Obaemo | jobaemo@uark.edu | Materials Science and Engineering (MSEN) |
Racine Cleveland | racinec@uark.edu | Space and Planetary Sciences (SPAC) |
Eva Caroline | escaroli@uark.edu | Public Policy (PUBP) |